For sale in a Cambodian market. Age 3. Sale price $200 According to Global Citizen, approximately 1 in 10 children worldwide experiences sexual abuse. These incidents occur across all ethnic, gender and age groups. The little boy pictured here was for sale at a local market in a rural Southeast Asian city by the very [...]
Sreysa is one of the most courageous girls you will meet. Being deaf AND mute she is already behind the “cultural curve” in terms of opportunity or general treatment of her. She is also one of a handful of girls discovered by HFSV to be deaf and/ or mute working as prostitutes in the Phnom [...]
Once home to the city’s public garbage dump, this nearly 100 acre smoldering mound was covered with hundreds of people sifting through rubbish for anything that could be recycled, eaten, or collected. Harmful levels of toxins from the burning rubbish, dead animals or discarded chemicals amongst the waste were ever-present. This community, Steung Meanchey, has [...]
Due to complications of meningitis contracted while giving birth, this woman from Colombo, Sri Lanka was ditched at a home for special needs people by her husband unwilling to care for her. Now paralyzed from the waist down, she was left to mourn the death of her child who died at the age of 6 [...]
Abandoned by her parents, this little girl Srey Ly was sent out nightly by her grandmother into the harsh exploitative environment of Cambodian nightlife to wander in search of a few dollars through begging. Our groups would stumble upon her and feed her and then escort her home with a couple of dollars so she [...]
Subjected to tremendous ridicule and gawking, this young man for many years has walked a continuous path along the main tourist boulevard in the Cambodian capital city of Phnom Penh looking for anyone kind enough to provide sustenance or even simply say “hello.” Born with a large tumor connected to his head, attempts were considered [...]
As a young 7 year old Sandaru was placed in a special needs home to live amongst some of Sri Lanka’s greatest outcasts. Her only malady is a permanent limp in her walk. Her father died when she was a small child leaving her hardworking mother to care for her with very meager resources. After [...]
Volunteer John learned a very valuable lesson this day. He discovered that the more we give of ourselves to others – the more we receive back in return. Earlier in the day John committed an act of generosity out of his own pocket and limited resources. These women were so overwhelmed with gratitude, joy and [...]
Hope for the Silent Voices had its beginnings in Sri Lanka when Eric, our founder, went to join the relief effort after the tsunami of 2004. One of the tragedies he witnessed there was the horrendous destruction and loss of life at the Sambodhi House, a home for mentally & physically challenged people – youth [...]